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L Darby – Teacher of RE

Whilst on break duty one day, it came to my attention that a pupil was on the floor.  As I ran over, I quickly realised the pupil was having a medical episode.  Due to personal experiences, I knew she was having a seizure.  I quickly got on the floor, ensured that she was safe and comforted her.  Soon after, our Head came over to help.  We calmed the pupil down and got her first aid.  I gave a full report to pupil support and relevant staff.  Pupil support asked me to stay with the pupil as I was the first witness.  I did and then was asked to speak with the Headteacher and the parent who I then found out was a Governor.  I was so proud that they trusted me to do this and a few days later I received and email thanking us for what we had done.